Your reputation is your most valuable asset. Be sure to protect it with the Professional Standards Workshop, NHAR's annual Code of Ethics study, which is approved for the NAR-required biennial ethics training. The course is being taught by the "No B.S. Realtor" Leigh Brown, a New Hampshire favorite who will apply her fiery wit, southern charm and real estate savvy to the Code of Ethics.
The 2023 event, "Professionalism as a Business Tactic," is scheduled for February 23rd in person at the DoubleTree, Manchester, NH, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (registration begins at 9), with two, 10-minute breaks. The cost is $35.
It is designed to meet the requirements of the NH Grievance and Professional Standards committees and Board of Directors. Additionally, the program is pending approval for three credit hours in Maine, NH and approved for Vermont. Attendees must be in the meeting by 9:30 a.m. to receive credit.
About Leigh Brown Many know Leigh for her accomplishments as a highly successful Realtor and best-selling author. This just begins to scratch the surface. She is also an award-winning educator and influencer, an innovative CEO and must-see keynote speaker. She has spoken all over the world – from Garden City to Phnom Penh – actively educating professionals in every realm of business leadership and relationships. Leigh is a do-it-all professional who has worked with all ranges of the professional spectrum, from new-to-the-trade rookies to CEOs of massively successful brands. It is her ability to articulate complex concepts in ways that everyone can relate to that makes her leadership so impactful.
To learn more about Leigh:Facebook: leighbrownspeakerYoutube: leighbrownspeakerInstagram: leighthomasbrown LinkedIn: leighthomasbrownTwitter: leighbrownPodcast: Crazy Sh*t In Real Estate
***Cancellation Policy***
The event will not be canceled unless the instructor is unable to attend. Refunds will only be issued upon notifying NHAR at least 48 hours in advance of the class.
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